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The islands in the Pentland Firth are among the least visited in the British Isles mainly due to the infamous tidal flows that separate them from mainland Scotland and Orkney, they are also exposed to both east and westerly swell. 

All this make the trip all the more special when the conditions are favorable. Swona, Stroma and Pentland Skerries are all now uninhabited by humans and have been replaced by thousands of seabirds, seals and even a herd of feral cattle. They are also privately owned so care and respect is taken at all times. Tidal eddies, caves, abundant wildlife and crystal clear waters is what the Pentland Firth is all about and an absolute must for the experienced kayaker!

To attend a Pentland Firth trip we ask that participants are of a 4 star sea kayak standard paddler and be comfortable in tides and challenging sea conditions.